PRESS RELEASE: Africa Talent Hunt By X Factor Productions

X Factor Productions Limited has launched a project called – “Africa Talent Hunt” with the aim to reach out to young Africans who have special talents and can exhibit or showcase the same.

At X Factor Productions Ltd, we believe that Nigeria has a huge talent pool to tap from considering that there is a population of over 200 million people and 65% percentage of the population are under the age of 35. Hence, the need for the talent hunt project.

This initiative is geared towards uplifting the African culture's artistic offerings. We will achieve this by seeking out new talents in Africa who haven’t had the opportunity to gain recognition.

X Factor Productions Ltd hopes to explore every form of talent, whether in music or art, giving everyone a platform to showcase their talents to the world to gain recognition both in Africa and the world at large.

The talent hunt will feature different stages with judges, selected from the top entertainment icons who will pick out tops from each of the stages and come up with participants for a grand finale where the top 3 contestants will be awarded handsomely and given the opportunity for collaborations and deals with top partners and players in the entertainment industry.

Among the top three (3), the winner will go home with a grand prize of 100 million naira plus a brand new SUV and a fully paid trip to Barbados for a week and if the winner happens to be a singer or an artist, he or she will get a 5-year music contract inclusive of the initial prize.

The X Factor Productions Ltd team works tirelessly to establish itself in the continent through investments in young talent in Africa and especially Nigeria.